We provide the prediction system and the database under a Creative Commons license. Specifically, we offer the BBD and Soil package under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license. You can identify which license is used near the end of the page of each object in the license block.

By clicking on the image on each page, you will be directed to the Creative Commons license page that gives details on what this license allows.

If data is published under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 you can use it non commercially, for example to carry out research at a University or public research institute. The only thing we ask for is to cite us when publishing the work:

enviPath–The environmental contaminant biotransformation pathway resource. J Wicker, T Lorsbach, M Gütlein, E Schmid, D Latino, S Kramer, K Fenner. Nucleic Acids Research

We even allow to redistribute the data on its own or as part of another data set, however, if you do this, you have to publish it under the same license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) and clearly mark the data as published under this license on every page that allows access to tha data.

Note that even if only a very small part of the data set is based on enviPath, your full data set needs to be published under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 and is not allowed to be used in a commercial context.

If you redistribute the data as part of a larger data set and wish to sell a license of this data set in a commercial context, you can contact us and we will be able to o er you a commercial license to the data.

If you want to use the data commercially, please contact us. We are able to sell commercial licenses of the data sets and prediction systems, and running enviPath in-house can be arranged if required.